Punjabi Cultural Society of San Diego
Punjab cultural society shares a rich cultural heritage due to the presence and exchange of migratory flows that promote diversity.
- To promote unity, culture, and social understanding and to support education, health, sports, and business opportunities for the local community in a non-religious setting.
- Promote unity, cultural, and social understanding and supported educational.
- Promoting arts and culture, our programs aim to encourage intercultural dialogue that further strengthens democratic values with also contributing in the economic and social harmony of the country.
- Organizing a wide range of activities related to living arts like music, dance, theatre, & festivals etc. we reach broader audiences in order to have positive tolerance among communities
Punjab hasĀ one of the oldest and richest cultures in the world. Its diversity and uniqueness is evident in Punjabi poetry, philosophy, spirituality, education, artistry, music, cuisine, science, technology, military warfare, architecture, traditions, values, and history.